The Environment Agency are discussing with one of the landowners upstream of Waterloo Rd, about the potential for doing further NFM works to hold and slow the flow. Staff from Cheshire Wildlife Trust are assisting with this. 

More areas of land are needed for NFM. Land is the biggest constraint at the current time. Landowners who are interested in having a small intervention on their land (for example, it could be a small pond in a corner of a field, or setting back a fence by a metre) should get in touch with the Town Council, who will forward the details to the Environment Agency. 

There would be no cost for the works, and long term maintenance will likely come under the Government’s Environmental Land Management Strategy (see ELMS for more info). 

Any intervention you can provide, however small, would temporarily hold water and so help to reduce the downstream flood peak. One intervention alone wont make a difference but done many times, they have been proven to help.