Poynton can be very proud of the amazing response which has been offered to vulnerable residents and neighbours as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Part of this response was co-ordinated by Poynton Town Council who wouldn’t have been able to meet the many requests for help if it wasn’t for representatives of local organisations who stepped up. Volunteers from Poynton Runners, Churches Together, and Poynton U3A all supported the efforts to make sure residents’ needs were met which included collecting prescriptions and shopping, to name a few. 

Poynton Town Council would also like to the thank the many Street Champions and other volunteers who helped their neighbours. In some areas, we’re aware help is still being offered!

A big thank you also to the businesses and supermarkets who put additional services in place to serve their community at such a difficult time. Waitrose put in place an ‘essential shopping service’ for vulnerable residents and recognising the efforts made by volunteers, have kindly donated a small gift and card. 

Poynton Town Council is keen to recognise the efforts made by everyone and when the time is right will post more information about how we will encourage the community to do this. 

Poynton’s Mayor, Cllr Lee Podmore has suggested as part of Poynton’s Pledge that you might submit a pledge to ‘Look out for your neighbours and help them where you can’. 

Discover more information and sign-up to the Poynton Pledge.