Poynton Town Council believes that Air Quality is a matter of vital importance. However,  Cheshire East Council now maintains only one air quality measuring site in Poynton. The  Town Council believes this is totally inadequate, so is also funding additional air quality  measurements at five sites near busy roads, including London Road North and South, Fountain  Place and Chester Road. 

The main air pollutant is Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2). The Air Quality Standards Regulations require  that the annual mean concentration of NO2 must not exceed 40 µg/m3. 

The Town Council is pleased to report that all six of the air quality monitoring sites in Poynton  show NO2 levels are currently below the limit. We hope these will drop further when the  Poynton Relief Road opens, removing traffic from the centre of the village. The increased use of  electric cars will also reduce air pollution more generally. However, extra traffic from the new  housing estates approved by Cheshire East (and opposed by the Town Council, in part  because of the impact on air quality) may increase pollution levels.  

The Town Council will continue monitoring local air quality to ensure pollution levels remain  below the legal limit.